Student Reviews: USMLE Step 1 Tutoring.

Student Reviews: USMLE Step 1 Tutoring.

Best 1-1 USMLE Step 1 Tutoring, Tips and Strategies to help you Pass Step 1. USMLE Step 1 will become Pass/ Fail starting Jan 26, 2022.

Best 1-1 USMLE Step 1 Tutor 

We here at BEST USMLE TUTOR are proud to offer the Free BEST Last minute USMLE Step 1 Tutoring for those who are unsure of their readiness for the Exam and want an expert unbiased opinion whether you should go ahead with your exam on your scheduled Test date or to push it back. We also offer No Expense Spared Best in business 1 week, 2 week, 4 week, 6 week and 8 week Online One-on-One USMLE Step 1 tutoring to match your Step 1 Preparation needs and Budget to help significantly increase your chances of passing USMLE Step 1!

USMLE Step 1 Tutoring is designed around your individual Step 1 preparation needs and Exam requirements to prevent USMLE Step 1 failure and help the students with prior USMLE Step 1 failed attempts to regain the requisite Medical knowledge, Skills, and Confidence and help them overcome their fear and anxiety. 

Here are some of  our USMLE Tutoring Student Testimonials:

BEST USMLE STEP 1 TUTOR Student Reviews 

After finishing your 2nd year of Medical School, now it's time to crush USMLE Step 1 and if you are looking for the Best possible coaching and mentoring for your upcoming USMLE Step 1, you have come to the Best place.

Here are BEST USMLE TUTOR's Best Free Tips and High Yield Strategies for Acing USMLE Step 1. Some if not all of which may be applicable to you...

1) Do your Best on MCAT if you are considering going to Medical School. What has MCAT Score got to do with your USMLE Step 1 Score?

Get to your Best score on MCAT (517 or higher) and get into a Higher Ranked US Medical School. If you can't get into a US Medical School then try to get into a top tier Caribbean Medical School. MCAT score reflects your language skills, understanding of the Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences and your Standardized Test taking Skills... which are Critical for ACING USMLE Step 1.

2) How to understand each question exactly the way the USMLE Step 1 question writer intends you to?

USMLE Step 1 Question Writers are experts in their particular fields and write these questions in a manner such that anyone who understands English and medical language and the topics covered in that question well enough should be able to easily narrow down to the single best answer.

Here is the Best USMLE Tutor way to achieve just that:

Begin by working on your medical vocabulary by learning the Latin, Greek, and English roots, prefixes, suffixes and combining forms; build top 200 drugs vocabulary; know your labs; know medical images and know medical sounds and their descriptions!

You may ask why? Clearly because Perception becomes Reality...Most students tend to do bad on Standardized tests such as USMLE Step 1 because of poor grasp of medical vocabulary as triggers a false understanding or a misunderstanding of the question stem as we unconsciously ignore the words, numbers, images and sounds that we don't know about, leading to misinterpretation of the clinical scenario presented. This then leads to the unavoidable selection of the wrong answer which appears to be correct or inability to narrow it down to the right answer. So, we highly recommend that you master the Medical LANGUAGE (words, numbers, images and sounds of medicine) because that's what USMLE Step 1 questions are made up off.

Do you know what Meta- means? Do you know what the word diabetes means? Do you know what Relative Bradycardia means? Do you know the names and mechanisms of top 200 drugs and their indications and contraindications and adverse effects? Do you know all the normal lab values and most common conditions associated with their various degrees of variations? Do you know Radiology images well? How about Gross images, histology, special stains? How about dermatology, eye & ear images, ECGs, EEGs, Action potentials, LV and lung Pressure volume loops? Do you know your murmurs, heart sounds, lung sounds and various bruits? Not knowing some of these things well enough makes all the difference in your comprehension of any Medical Text Book, Guide, Q-Bank and the USMLE Exam itself!!!!!

Remember almost all well informed students who take USMLE Step 1 are using the same resources... then why such varied results from Failing, to barely passing to Acing the USMLE Step 1... It's not the resources at fault, it's your inability to fully comprehend and wisely use those resources in a timely fashion... is what will ultimately determine how you will do on your USMLE Step 1. Best USMLE Tutor focuses on building your vocabulary, knowledge, comprehension, speed, stamina, motivation and ultimately build your USMLE Step 1 Question comprehension and Answering Skills to get you to your Best USMLE Step 1 score!

3) How to never run out of time on USMLE Step 1?

The Human Brain has a very powerful filtering mechanism when it comes to processing and retaining information. Trust and believe that Medical field will require you to retain a lot of information very quickly and each clinical vignette on USMLE Step 1 will have a lot of information which you will be required to process in a very short period of time.. you will not have time to read the questions twice. . So, you must be able to understand the question fully in the very first and very quick read and be able to come up with the answer that exactly answers what's being asked.  Inability to do so WILL result in RUNNING OUT of TIME on the Step 1. You only have enough time to reflexively answer questions so build your Reflexes through practicing Timed full length 8 blocks/day timed Blocks!

4) How long should it take for you to prepare for the USMLE Step 1 in order for you to ACE it?


What is the Ideal preparation time for Acing the USMLE Step 1?

Well it depends whether you went to a US, Caribbean, or an International Medical School and how well you did in your 1st 2 years of school and for IMGs in particular... how long ago you graduated from Medical School?

For most US Medical School students who were doing well in school, it should take 3-5 weeks of solid preparation with 7-11 hours of daily productive focused study time.

For most Caribbean Medical Students who were doing well in school, it should take 6-8 weeks for Step 1 with 7-11 hours of daily productive focused study time.

For most International Medical Graduates it should take 2-3 months for Step 1 with 7-11 hours of daily productive focused study time.

5) Which Books should you read for acing USMLE Step 1?

Best USMLE Tutor recommends:

First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 for an overall review.

For Review during Medical School...

High Yield Gross Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Neuroanatomy, cell biology, and Genetics.

BRS Physiology and Behavioral Science.

Illustrated Pharmacology and Biochemistry.

WEBPATH (Free Online Website) for Pathology instead of Pathoma!

Medical Microbiology made Ridiculously Simple.

6) Which Question Bank[/COLOR] is the Best and Most Similar to the questions found on the USMLE Step 1?

NBME Self Assessment Tests Are undoubtedly the BEST. The newest ones are the best reflectors of your actual USMLE Step 1 SCORE. Our Students score within 10 points of their average of NBME 18 and 19 taken back to back!

USMLE WORLD, USMLE RX and Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Q Bank are nowhere as good as the NBME Questions are good resources for building knowledge and Stamina but NOT Question answering Skills and Strategies!

Lastly, if you are looking for something more than tips and have the Resources and Time, Use Best USMLE Tutor to help you reach your Best possible USMLE Step 1 score in the least amount of time! 

Consult us today for Free by Calling/Texting your details at 803-493-5573 and schedule a Free Online USMLE Step 1 Consultation Via Skype or In-Person in Kingwood, Houston, Texas!

"Why Try the Rest when you Deserve the Best" We believe that you Deserve the Best USMLE Tutor!

If you are preparing to take or retake USMLE Step 1, we would like to get you started today with your Free Online USMLE Step 1 tutoring Trial Session.

Dr. Harish Malik 
Ph. 803-493-5573

Student Reviews: USMLE Step 1 Tutoring.

Student Reviews: USMLE Step 1 Tutoring.

Best 1-1 USMLE Step 1 Tutoring, Tips and Strategies to help you Pass Step 1. USMLE Step 1 will become Pass/ Fail starting Jan 26, 2022.

Best 1-1 USMLE Step 1 Tutor 

We here at BEST USMLE TUTOR are proud to offer the Free BEST Last minute USMLE Step 1 Tutoring for those who are unsure of their readiness for the Exam and want an expert unbiased opinion whether you should go ahead with your exam on your scheduled Test date or to push it back. We also offer No Expense Spared Best in business 1 week, 2 week, 4 week, 6 week and 8 week Online One-on-One USMLE Step 1 tutoring to match your Step 1 Preparation needs and Budget to help significantly increase your chances of passing USMLE Step 1!

USMLE Step 1 Tutoring is designed around your individual Step 1 preparation needs and Exam requirements to prevent USMLE Step 1 failure and help the students with prior USMLE Step 1 failed attempts to regain the requisite Medical knowledge, Skills, and Confidence and help them overcome their fear and anxiety. 

Here are some of  our USMLE Tutoring Student Testimonials:

BEST USMLE STEP 1 TUTOR Student Reviews 

After finishing your 2nd year of Medical School, now it's time to crush USMLE Step 1 and if you are looking for the Best possible coaching and mentoring for your upcoming USMLE Step 1, you have come to the Best place.

Here are BEST USMLE TUTOR's Best Free Tips and High Yield Strategies for Acing USMLE Step 1. Some if not all of which may be applicable to you...

1) Do your Best on MCAT if you are considering going to Medical School. What has MCAT Score got to do with your USMLE Step 1 Score?

Get to your Best score on MCAT (517 or higher) and get into a Higher Ranked US Medical School. If you can't get into a US Medical School then try to get into a top tier Caribbean Medical School. MCAT score reflects your language skills, understanding of the Physical, Chemical and Biological Sciences and your Standardized Test taking Skills... which are Critical for ACING USMLE Step 1.

2) How to understand each question exactly the way the USMLE Step 1 question writer intends you to?

USMLE Step 1 Question Writers are experts in their particular fields and write these questions in a manner such that anyone who understands English and medical language and the topics covered in that question well enough should be able to easily narrow down to the single best answer.

Here is the Best USMLE Tutor way to achieve just that:

Begin by working on your medical vocabulary by learning the Latin, Greek, and English roots, prefixes, suffixes and combining forms; build top 200 drugs vocabulary; know your labs; know medical images and know medical sounds and their descriptions!

You may ask why? Clearly because Perception becomes Reality...Most students tend to do bad on Standardized tests such as USMLE Step 1 because of poor grasp of medical vocabulary as triggers a false understanding or a misunderstanding of the question stem as we unconsciously ignore the words, numbers, images and sounds that we don't know about, leading to misinterpretation of the clinical scenario presented. This then leads to the unavoidable selection of the wrong answer which appears to be correct or inability to narrow it down to the right answer. So, we highly recommend that you master the Medical LANGUAGE (words, numbers, images and sounds of medicine) because that's what USMLE Step 1 questions are made up off.

Do you know what Meta- means? Do you know what the word diabetes means? Do you know what Relative Bradycardia means? Do you know the names and mechanisms of top 200 drugs and their indications and contraindications and adverse effects? Do you know all the normal lab values and most common conditions associated with their various degrees of variations? Do you know Radiology images well? How about Gross images, histology, special stains? How about dermatology, eye & ear images, ECGs, EEGs, Action potentials, LV and lung Pressure volume loops? Do you know your murmurs, heart sounds, lung sounds and various bruits? Not knowing some of these things well enough makes all the difference in your comprehension of any Medical Text Book, Guide, Q-Bank and the USMLE Exam itself!!!!!

Remember almost all well informed students who take USMLE Step 1 are using the same resources... then why such varied results from Failing, to barely passing to Acing the USMLE Step 1... It's not the resources at fault, it's your inability to fully comprehend and wisely use those resources in a timely fashion... is what will ultimately determine how you will do on your USMLE Step 1. Best USMLE Tutor focuses on building your vocabulary, knowledge, comprehension, speed, stamina, motivation and ultimately build your USMLE Step 1 Question comprehension and Answering Skills to get you to your Best USMLE Step 1 score!

3) How to never run out of time on USMLE Step 1?

The Human Brain has a very powerful filtering mechanism when it comes to processing and retaining information. Trust and believe that Medical field will require you to retain a lot of information very quickly and each clinical vignette on USMLE Step 1 will have a lot of information which you will be required to process in a very short period of time.. you will not have time to read the questions twice. . So, you must be able to understand the question fully in the very first and very quick read and be able to come up with the answer that exactly answers what's being asked.  Inability to do so WILL result in RUNNING OUT of TIME on the Step 1. You only have enough time to reflexively answer questions so build your Reflexes through practicing Timed full length 8 blocks/day timed Blocks!

4) How long should it take for you to prepare for the USMLE Step 1 in order for you to ACE it?


What is the Ideal preparation time for Acing the USMLE Step 1?

Well it depends whether you went to a US, Caribbean, or an International Medical School and how well you did in your 1st 2 years of school and for IMGs in particular... how long ago you graduated from Medical School?

For most US Medical School students who were doing well in school, it should take 3-5 weeks of solid preparation with 7-11 hours of daily productive focused study time.

For most Caribbean Medical Students who were doing well in school, it should take 6-8 weeks for Step 1 with 7-11 hours of daily productive focused study time.

For most International Medical Graduates it should take 2-3 months for Step 1 with 7-11 hours of daily productive focused study time.

5) Which Books should you read for acing USMLE Step 1?

Best USMLE Tutor recommends:

First Aid for the USMLE Step 1 for an overall review.

For Review during Medical School...

High Yield Gross Anatomy, Embryology, Histology, Neuroanatomy, cell biology, and Genetics.

BRS Physiology and Behavioral Science.

Illustrated Pharmacology and Biochemistry.

WEBPATH (Free Online Website) for Pathology instead of Pathoma!

Medical Microbiology made Ridiculously Simple.

6) Which Question Bank[/COLOR] is the Best and Most Similar to the questions found on the USMLE Step 1?

NBME Self Assessment Tests Are undoubtedly the BEST. The newest ones are the best reflectors of your actual USMLE Step 1 SCORE. Our Students score within 10 points of their average of NBME 18 and 19 taken back to back!

USMLE WORLD, USMLE RX and Kaplan USMLE Step 1 Q Bank are nowhere as good as the NBME Questions are good resources for building knowledge and Stamina but NOT Question answering Skills and Strategies!

Lastly, if you are looking for something more than tips and have the Resources and Time, Use Best USMLE Tutor to help you reach your Best possible USMLE Step 1 score in the least amount of time! 

Consult us today for Free by Calling/Texting your details at 803-493-5573 and schedule a Free Online USMLE Step 1 Consultation Via Skype or In-Person in Kingwood, Houston, Texas!

"Why Try the Rest when you Deserve the Best" We believe that you Deserve the Best USMLE Tutor!

If you are preparing to take or retake USMLE Step 1, we would like to get you started today with your Free Online USMLE Step 1 tutoring Trial Session.

Dr. Harish Malik 
Ph. 803-493-5573

Tips to Increase your low scores on UWorld, Amboss, and NBME Self Assessments while preparing for your USMLE Step Exams?

Tips to Increase your low scores on UWorld, Amboss, and NBME Self Assessments while preparing for your USMLE Step Exams? Getting low scores ...