Online Private USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK Tutoring

Online Private USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK Tutoring with Dr. Maik will keep you motivated, focused, and help you excel on your USMLE Exams.

Best USMLE Tutor: Global provider of the Best Custom One-on-One USMLE Tutoring for all USMLE Steps 1, 2 CK as well as Step 3. USMLE Tutoring is available Online as well as In-Person.

My 15 Golden Rules that if followed diligently can get you a higher than expected USMLE Score!

Here is what works best in the days leading up to the Exam and during your Practice Exams as well as at the Prometric during your actual Step exams:

● While you are walking into the Prometric to take the Step 1, Step 2 CK or Step 3:

                You must always go into an exam knowing you are the best - and best don't debate.

                Read 10 second rule below!

● During the Exam:

                Read entire sentences carefully and keep adding or subtracting the evidence that you have collected to reach single best answer and when it get's down to debating stick with your gut feeling, never override it consciously.

● For those who have difficulty picking answer and debate and are unable to finish the blocks in time:

             When in doubt, you listen to your subconscious mind (gut feeling) and trust that answer that comes to you first and move on immediately to the next one.

● How to keep track of time and maintain proper speed during the Step 1, Step 2 CK or Step 3

             Try to stay focused and be mindful of time. Every 10 q MUST finish in 12-15 min, so aim for 10 q in 10 min... because some q will be longer or will require calculations take longer... that will allow you to be flexible enough to tackle those!

● 10 second rule for those who love Debate or suffer from OCD (Follow it during preparation and the actual Step 1, 2 CK and Step 3):

                  There is a 10 sec rule.. If you change your answer in first 10 sec after you finish reading q and ans choices, keep it changed, after ten second don't change! There is data/evidence that when changed within 10 sec, the liklihood of changing a wrong to right ans is very high and after 10 sec the chances of changing from right to wrong or wrong to wrong are higher!

● Anxious or tired - Try this:

                  If you feel anxious, slouch and holdbyour breath for 30 sec or so intermittently until you calm down.

                  If you feel tired, fatigued or burnt out, straighten your back and do the opposite - take long deep breaths hold for few seconds and blow out hard. Repeat a few times every now and then and actively KEEP YOUR BACK STRAIGHT!

● Superbrain Yoga to the Rescue during breaks:

                   Do some Superbrain Yoga during breaks. Eat light and don't drink too much or you will be holding your bladder/bowels during the block... not good.

● How to better understand Clinical Vignettes by getting first person perspective especially useful for those with diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD:

                   First, dissolve your own identity and then focus which means all roles in every question are played by you... remembering what is happening will be a lot easier!

● Why you should go with your gut answer whenever in doubt:

                     Hopefully reading this will help everyone who is about to take their Step in a day or two! Remember when in doubt, go with your gut because it has access to infinity whereas your conscious mind has access to .01% of reality. So when the Cortex tells you, I don't know, listen to your gut and pick the answer that your gut or your subconscious tells you is correct without wasting any time.

                      So if your gut says you aren't ready then you must believe it to avoid adverse outcome and reach out to me.

● For those who feel they might fail:

               Passing is 60% and there are 76-80 experimental questions which will not be graded. Test is colorful and Enjoy it...

               Everyone and Everything gets recycled anyways! You Got This... Get in this mindset and get some rest.

● Numbers don't lie - learn to rely on them and improve your knowledge about numbers:

                    All the Best. Numbers don't lie! Learn to factor in Age, Vitals, labs, timeline, formulae for Biostats, Epidemiology, Physio and Pharm calculation etc for greater accuracy! Zoom out first then zoom in to find the answer! Larger picture matters!

● Motivation: let's share and care - we are in healthCARE:

                     Let's all wish each other all the Best as we are one! With all of us doing our best, we will be the Best... zoom out that's the larger picture. We are Physicians. Help each other out. Be ethical, be passionate and never be afraid of your fate!

● Don't just hope, get help if needed:

                     Do your Best for better outcomes not JUST hope for it and when scores aren't treading up fast enough, reach out and get help.

● Failed Step 1, Step 2 CK or Step 3band you're retaking it:

                     If you do fail, process it and gain insights, do not even think of going at it on your own. Get up and look for help...

                     ...there are genuinely helpful souls around, all you have to do is ask!

                     I sincerely hope that reading this helps you in your USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 3 journey. I am a passionate full time Online and In-Person USMLE Tutor.

                     For those who really need support & guidance, I am just a Click or Call away.

                    Keep up the hard work. A little guidance, a lot of motivation, hard work and consistency with a lot of passion will help you reach your ultimate destiny.

                     Stay Motivated and Help Others as much as you can!

● Amor fati - Go fulfil your destiny:

              Amor fati (love for one's fate). Go fulfil your destiny! You are here to live it because no one else can for you!

Enjoy the USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 3 journey and hopefully you will take help if needed to ensure you do your Best on your Steps!


Dr. Malik

Online Private USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK Tutoring

Online Private USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK Tutoring with Dr. Maik will keep you motivated, focused, and help you excel on your USMLE Exams.

Best USMLE Tutor: Global provider of the Best Custom One-on-One USMLE Tutoring for all USMLE Steps 1, 2 CK as well as Step 3. USMLE Tutoring is available Online as well as In-Person.

My 15 Golden Rules that if followed diligently can get you a higher than expected USMLE Score!

Here is what works best in the days leading up to the Exam and during your Practice Exams as well as at the Prometric during your actual Step exams:

● While you are walking into the Prometric to take the Step 1, Step 2 CK or Step 3:

                You must always go into an exam knowing you are the best - and best don't debate.

                Read 10 second rule below!

● During the Exam:

                Read entire sentences carefully and keep adding or subtracting the evidence that you have collected to reach single best answer and when it get's down to debating stick with your gut feeling, never override it consciously.

● For those who have difficulty picking answer and debate and are unable to finish the blocks in time:

             When in doubt, you listen to your subconscious mind (gut feeling) and trust that answer that comes to you first and move on immediately to the next one.

● How to keep track of time and maintain proper speed during the Step 1, Step 2 CK or Step 3

             Try to stay focused and be mindful of time. Every 10 q MUST finish in 12-15 min, so aim for 10 q in 10 min... because some q will be longer or will require calculations take longer... that will allow you to be flexible enough to tackle those!

● 10 second rule for those who love Debate or suffer from OCD (Follow it during preparation and the actual Step 1, 2 CK and Step 3):

                  There is a 10 sec rule.. If you change your answer in first 10 sec after you finish reading q and ans choices, keep it changed, after ten second don't change! There is data/evidence that when changed within 10 sec, the liklihood of changing a wrong to right ans is very high and after 10 sec the chances of changing from right to wrong or wrong to wrong are higher!

● Anxious or tired - Try this:

                  If you feel anxious, slouch and holdbyour breath for 30 sec or so intermittently until you calm down.

                  If you feel tired, fatigued or burnt out, straighten your back and do the opposite - take long deep breaths hold for few seconds and blow out hard. Repeat a few times every now and then and actively KEEP YOUR BACK STRAIGHT!

● Superbrain Yoga to the Rescue during breaks:

                   Do some Superbrain Yoga during breaks. Eat light and don't drink too much or you will be holding your bladder/bowels during the block... not good.

● How to better understand Clinical Vignettes by getting first person perspective especially useful for those with diagnosed or undiagnosed ADHD:

                   First, dissolve your own identity and then focus which means all roles in every question are played by you... remembering what is happening will be a lot easier!

● Why you should go with your gut answer whenever in doubt:

                     Hopefully reading this will help everyone who is about to take their Step in a day or two! Remember when in doubt, go with your gut because it has access to infinity whereas your conscious mind has access to .01% of reality. So when the Cortex tells you, I don't know, listen to your gut and pick the answer that your gut or your subconscious tells you is correct without wasting any time.

                      So if your gut says you aren't ready then you must believe it to avoid adverse outcome and reach out to me.

● For those who feel they might fail:

               Passing is 60% and there are 76-80 experimental questions which will not be graded. Test is colorful and Enjoy it...

               Everyone and Everything gets recycled anyways! You Got This... Get in this mindset and get some rest.

● Numbers don't lie - learn to rely on them and improve your knowledge about numbers:

                    All the Best. Numbers don't lie! Learn to factor in Age, Vitals, labs, timeline, formulae for Biostats, Epidemiology, Physio and Pharm calculation etc for greater accuracy! Zoom out first then zoom in to find the answer! Larger picture matters!

● Motivation: let's share and care - we are in healthCARE:

                     Let's all wish each other all the Best as we are one! With all of us doing our best, we will be the Best... zoom out that's the larger picture. We are Physicians. Help each other out. Be ethical, be passionate and never be afraid of your fate!

● Don't just hope, get help if needed:

                     Do your Best for better outcomes not JUST hope for it and when scores aren't treading up fast enough, reach out and get help.

● Failed Step 1, Step 2 CK or Step 3band you're retaking it:

                     If you do fail, process it and gain insights, do not even think of going at it on your own. Get up and look for help...

                     ...there are genuinely helpful souls around, all you have to do is ask!

                     I sincerely hope that reading this helps you in your USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 3 journey. I am a passionate full time Online and In-Person USMLE Tutor.

                     For those who really need support & guidance, I am just a Click or Call away.

                    Keep up the hard work. A little guidance, a lot of motivation, hard work and consistency with a lot of passion will help you reach your ultimate destiny.

                     Stay Motivated and Help Others as much as you can!

● Amor fati - Go fulfil your destiny:

              Amor fati (love for one's fate). Go fulfil your destiny! You are here to live it because no one else can for you!

Enjoy the USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK and Step 3 journey and hopefully you will take help if needed to ensure you do your Best on your Steps!


Dr. Malik

Tips to Increase your low scores on UWorld, Amboss, and NBME Self Assessments while preparing for your USMLE Step Exams?

Tips to Increase your low scores on UWorld, Amboss, and NBME Self Assessments while preparing for your USMLE Step Exams? Getting low scores ...